恩典信仰宣告 BELIEF
我们信耶稣乃是基督,是永生神的「独生子」,是犹太人所盼望要来的弥赛亚,祂本与神同等、同尊、同荣、同质、同永,但甘自降卑,被神差遣,道成肉身来到世间救赎我们,本是无罪的,却为我们的罪被钉十字架,死后三日复活,显给多人看见,与他们同行、同食和教训他们,四十日后升天,现今在神的右边为众圣徒祈求,统治万 有,祂还要再来审判世人。
我们相信圣经都是神所默示的,于教训、督责、使人归正、教导人学义,都是有益的,叫属神的人得以完全 ,预备行各样的善事。旧约和新约圣经都是神要我们认识的真理,是我们生命绝对的准则。
我们相信教会乃是指基督徒的群体。基督是教会的头,教会是基督的身子,并且各自作肢体。我们相信「受浸」是「信」的一部份。 「受浸」和「施浸」都是耶稣基督所吩咐的。奉耶稣基督的名「受浸」的意义是与耶稣基督同死、同葬、同活,是籍此归入基督;随着委身的信的「受浸」带来罪得赦免和领受圣灵的果效。
Our beliefs
We believe in the only God who created the universe, heaven and earth, according to what bible said. he is God of the father, the son, and the holy spirit three in one. It is the almighty one who is omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent, past, present and future.
We believe Jesus is Christ, is the only son of everlasting God, and is the coming Messiah of Jewish's hope. He is equal to God, with respect, with honour, with homogeneity, with eternal. has been sent by God, incarnated come to the world. he is sinless, but was crucified and died for our sin, resurrected in the third days of death, visible to a lot of people. walk with them, share food, and teach them. Ascension after 40 days. Praying for the saints on the right side of God today. reigned forever. he will come again to judge the people in the world.
We believe that the Holy Spirit but the Spirit-Paraclete and truth that comes from God, that is the Spirit of God, on behalf of Jesus and the Christians, as he was Jesus the same protection, care, comfort and teach Christians to know the truth, obey the truth, He wants to bear testimony for Jesus. He also gives Christian abilities and motivates them to testify for Jesus Christ. He gives Christians all kinds of gifts to serve God and prays for Christians according to God's will.