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(Pastor's wife JING LIU) 邓刘菁师母

Pastor 牧师

邓牧师 1998年蒙恩信主,2000年首次蒙召侍奉神,2007年毕业於Mattersey Hall Bible College,2008年全职侍奉,2015年9月与师母共同创办恩典国际教会。

Rev Daniel Deng came to faith in 1998 in China. In 2000, he was called to be serving God. In 2007, he was graduated from Mattersey Hall Bible College. In 2008, he started to serve full time. In September 2015, he and his wife founded Grace International Church in Liverpool.


邓刘菁师母 1996-1998 在新加坡留学,并获得商学院学士资格。受神的呼召在2000-2004在美国 Ashland Theological Seminary 获得两个神学硕士学位,先后在新加坡,美国,中国和英国服侍近20年。自从2015年9月创办恩典国际教会以来主要负责儿童与妇女事工,并负责培训小组长和小组教会的牧养转型事工。

In 1996-1998, Mrs Jing Liu studied in Singapore and graduated with a Bachelor in Business qualification. Mrs Jing Liu was called by God so studied and graduated with 2 Master degrees in Theology in 2000- 2004 in Ashland Seminary, USA. She has served in the United States, China and the United Kingdom for nearly 20 years. Since founded Grace International Church in September 2015, she was primarily responsible for children's and women's ministry.

Rev Peter Coulson 牧师
Mrs Lynne Coulson 师母

Advisors 顾问

Peter 和 Lynne 曾经在菲律宾多年从事宣教工作。返回英国后,曾受聘於华人教会和以琳的教会多年。现在已经退休。

Peter and Lynne used to work in the Philippines as missionaries. After they've arrived back in the UK, they were employed by Chinese churches and Elim church for many years. Now they are retired pastors.

Myra Daly

Missionaries 宣教士

自从她毕业All Nations Bible College以来,先后在以色列,美国,俄罗斯,新西兰等国参与多年的宣教工作。她是2016年获得基督教心里咨询师资格。近年来更多参与祷告和心里医治事工。

After she Graduated from All Nations Bible College, she participated in missionary works in Israel, USA, Russia, and New Zealand for many years. In 2016, she was qualified as a Christian Psychological Counsellor. In most recent years, she has been more involved in prayer and psychological healing ministry.

Shapoor & Yasamin Ahmadifar

Operation Promise Missionaries 穆斯林宣教士

Based in Liverpool, England — the first stop for refugees entering England — Shapoor calls this strategic location home for him and his outreach.  As a former asylum seeker from his native land of Iran, Shapoor is all too familiar with the fears and struggles that many refugees experience after leaving their war-torn homelands or oppressive governments.
He’s also familiar with the religious identity that keeps many immigrants in bondage — a bondage that’s now appearing to be weakening as more and more new arrivals in Europe are expressing interest in learning about Jesus and the salvation, hope and life He offers.
As a former Muslim and refugee himself, Shapoor is uniquely qualified to reach immigrants, especially those who call Islam their faith. Fluent in Farsi (language in Iran) and conversant in Turkish and Arabic, Shapoor easily communicates and explains the foundations and Biblical truths of the Christian beliefs to his brothers and sisters from the Middle East, other parts of Asia and from Africa. In addition, his firsthand knowledge of Islam as a former adherent himself, has equipped him with a special advantage when it comes to countering misunderstandings, objections or misconceptions that many Muslims have about Jesus in general.
Today, our world is witnessing a phenomenon like none before — more Muslims are coming to the saving knowledge of Jesus as their Lord and Savior than in any other time in history. Shapoor is part of this movement.

Chit Ning Li 李捷宁宣教士



Joe Rao & May Chu 宣教士

Missionaries 宣教士

Joe & May based in London now, they gave up everything in U.S.A. They had a clear vision to serve in U.K, and they called by God to set up new church planting ministries and house group in London. They both served as missionaries in COCM Mission for the last three years. And they join in our Grace International Mission in 2018. They had a clear vision to design all mission projects to your Chinese Professional cities. 

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John Carolyn  Oprational Promises 宣教士

Missionaries 宣教士

John & Carolyn Pilcher and their two teenage children, were called to re-locate to Liverpool to help run Operation Promises. They have a missional call and prophetic hearts and live in the 'House of Prayer'. Together, they long to see the presence of God invade the nations. 

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